Granite State Webs New Hampshires Premier Website Hosting Services Domain Names
Domain Name Registration
What is a domain name?
Domain names are names that
humans can use and memorize as substitutes for IP numbers used in the internet
to provide addresses for specific network connected components in the world wide
web. For instance, when you are visiting this page, you are using our domain
name as part of the URL of this site. The
most commonly known usage of domain names is in the URL of websites and email
addresses. Whether a web user is aware or not, he or she must have used some
domain names to connect to the internet, visit websites and exchange emails
How much does a domain name cost?
The industry standard for domain registry fee is $25.00-$35.00 per year for any
.com, .net. or .org domain. But, we will register your
.com, .net. or .org domain name for you for
just $20.00per year. This fee
includes all InterNIC fees and is non-refundable. For all domains that we register
for you, you own the domain.
So, how can I order my own domain
You can order a domain name through us with or
without a hosting account. If you order an account from us, we register your
domain name for you, configure it in our server and point the domain to the web
hosting account you order from us. In either case, you can order a new domain
name using our online order forms.
What is a "Parked" domain?
A "Parked" domain is one that has been registered
but does not have a website created for it. For example a "domain name" is like
a "home address" You could have a new address but not built your house yet on
the site. We can register your name to save it for you until you build your
site. The charges will be. $10.00per month per
domain name. This fee is in addition to the $20.00 domain
registration fee. The parked domain will resolve to a page in our server with your own
domain name and email address on it. Whenever you get a website we can instantly
forward your domain to your new site..